

A GET request can always be filtered by the get parameters defined in the introduction section of the api documentation.

You must provide an id and/or creative-id to the assets endpoint when performing POST or GET

Example get request of a single asset:

GET https://api.adnuntius.com/api/v1/assets/<creative-id>/<id>?context=<context>

Example get request of all the assets for a creative:

GET https://api.adnuntius.com/api/v1/assets/<creative-id>?context=<context>

in order to see HIDDEN objects you will need to send includeHidden=trueas a parameter to the GET query


Example POST object:

    "objectState": "ACTIVE",
    "network": { "id": "winning" },
    "mimeType": "IMAGE_JPEG",
    "fileName": "Panorama.jpg",
    "cdnId": "//assets.adnuntius.com/aO59MDnCKaLBQNA0G0DUCc7nj8wJA0e149OPTkQCww8.jpg",
    "primaryHtmlAsset": false,
    "htmlUrls": {},
    "fileSizeBytes": 71561,
    "width": 980,
    "height": 240,
    "url": "/api/v1/assets/85y1jrfyx3bmpm1h/skqjv5r2w5fjwmx2"

Example node.js code for uploading a file to create a new Asset

const fs = require("fs");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const FormData = require("form-data");

const form = new FormData();
const filePath = "./myFile.png";
form.append("file", fs.createReadStream(filePath));

const authToken = "my auth token"; // obtained from the authentication process
const creativeId = "sdnkrn7wcdnbpyy5"; // must be the creative ID of an existing creative
const assetId = "myNewAssetId";
const networkId = "myNetworkId";
fetch('https://api.adnuntius.com/api/v1/assets/' + creativeId + '/' + assetId + '?context=' + networkId + '&auth_token=' + authToken, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: form

Last updated