Recording Conversions

When you create Adnuntius Line Items that use conversion tracking, costs are recorded whenever a user performs a configured action. Adnuntius must be notified of the user action using a Conversion Tag, which can be either a pixel or javascript.


You must specify an Adnuntius Custom Event that will be used to track conversions. In the examples below you should replace <event-id> with the specific identifier for your chosen custom event.

Conversions can be automatically attributed to a line-item under the following circumstances:

  • The creative includes a click URL to the advertiser's domain

  • The conversion is recorded from the advertiser's domain

In this scenario, Adnuntius will attribute the conversion to the most recently delivered impression that directed the user to the advertiser's domain. The user does not need to have actually clicked on the advertisement, although third-party cookies are required to track conversions without a click.

Alternatively, the request can explicitly include the line-item that should receive the conversion.

Pixel Request

Note: Pixels require third-party cookies to function correctly, which may be blocked by the user's privacy settings.

The most simple pixel tag is shown below. This pixel will automatically record the conversion to the most recent impression coming from a conversion tracking line-item for the advertiser.

<img src="<event-id>">

For example, if the pixel was included on a page hosted at, then the conversion would be recorded against a line-item that included a click URL to

You can also hardcode the advertiser domain into the pixel, as shown in the example below:

<img src="<event-id>&">

If you want to record the conversion against a specific line-item, then you can hardcode this into the pixel tag like so:

<img src="<event-id>&network=<network-id>&adSource=<line-item-id>">

Javascript request

For javascript conversions, the Adnuntius script (see below) should be included on the landing page for the conversion tracking advertisement. Typically you would include this in the <head> section of the page, but you can place it anywhere within the HTML.

<script src=""></script>

Note: If the Adnuntius script is not included on the landing page, the conversion tracking will only work for users that have third-party cookies enabled.

The most simple javascript conversion is shown below. This will automatically record the conversion to the most recent impression coming from a conversion tracking line-item for the advertiser.

window.adn = window.adn || {}; adn.calls = adn.calls || [];
adn.calls.push(function() {
   adn.regConversion({eventType: '<event-id>'});

For example, if the javascript was included on a page hosted at, then the conversion would be recorded against a line-item that included a click URL to

You can also hardcode the advertiser domain into the conversion, as shown in the example below:

window.adn = window.adn || {}; adn.calls = adn.calls || [];
adn.calls.push(function() {
   adn.regConversion({eventType: '<event-id>', adSource: ''});

If you want to record the conversion against a specific line-item, then you can hardcode this like so:

window.adn = window.adn || {}; adn.calls = adn.calls || [];
adn.calls.push(function() {
   adn.regConversion({eventType: '<event-id>', network: '<network-id>', adSource: '<line-item-id>'});

Last updated