
The Inventory section is where you manage sites, site groups, earnings accounts and ad units.

Introduction to the inventory section.

Concept Summary


Lets you aggregate earnings that one or more sites have made. Here is how you create an earnings account.

Lets publishers group sites together to make targeting line items and/or creatives to multiple sites easier.

A site or domain with a given name, containing one or more ad units.

A placement that goes onto your site, so that you can later fill it with ads. It is as such an empty container that sets aside a space on your site so that you can fill it with content.

A placement connecting ad units to programmatic inventory, enabling you to serve ads from one or more SSPs with client-side and/or server-side connections.

When you have created your ad units, you can use the ad tag generator to get the codes ready for deployment.

Proposals (in progress)

A line item that has been submitted by a marketplace advertiser for review.

Here is how the various objects hang together: an earnings account and site group can both contain multiple sites; a site can contain multiple ad units, and ad units can connect to creatives (for direct advertising) or to external ad units (for programmatic ads).

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