Adnuntius Slider
This page will describe how to enable a slider that will display adnuntius ads.
In order to add this functionality to your page you will have to add these two files to the <head>
tag of your page. Either you can use our CDN or download them and host them yourself.
After you've added the style sheet you can of course style it in whatever shape or form that fits your site.
After that is done you can add the ad call to your site. (Don't forget to set the adunit ID)
You must user the congtainer: 'div'
as described in the documentation for this to work.
The optional parameters gives you some control over the sliders behavior on site.
Optional parameter | Defaults | Usage |
slidesPerView | 1 | Determins how many items to fit in every slide. |
speed | 3000 | The speed in milliseconds for each transition between slides. |
delay | 5000 | How long the slider will stay on each slide. |
spaceBetween | 10 | Will set the space between each item in the slider. |
Last updated