Getting Started
The purpose of this guide is to make implementation of Adnuntius Data easier for new customers.
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The purpose of this guide is to make implementation of Adnuntius Data easier for new customers.
Last updated
This guide assumes that you have access to Adnuntius Data. However, if you haven't, please contact us at The purpose of this guide is to help new customers get started with using Adnuntius Data by following a checklist of the most important tasks.
1 Create a folder. Many parties, such as publishers and agencies, can upload their user information to Adnuntius Data, and folders ensure that these data will not be shared with anyway unless it's intensional. Any data sent by anyone is always sent to folders, and folders are accessible to users through teams.
2 Create a team. When a folder is created it can be accessed by any user that belongs to a team. A team is as such a publisher, agency or any other party that should be able to manage their data in Adnuntius Data.
3 Create a user. Once a folder and team is created you can invite users that should have access to Adnuntius Data. A user is defined by an email address and name.
4 Start sending data to one or more folders. User profile information and pageview information can be sent to Adnuntius Data using a JavaScript or HTTP API.
5 Create mapping. Different companies send different data, and mapping ensures that different denominations are transformed into one unified language.
6 Create a unified view of each user. Adnuntius Data allows you to merge user profiles from different systems and devices to a single unified view of your users. Data that is sent from your CRM and from mobile and desktop browser sessions can all be combined into a single record.
7 Create a segment. A segment is a group of users with common characteristics and behaviors. Adnuntius Data allows you to create segments based on the data you send.
8 Create a trigger. A trigger determines what characteristics and behaviors should trigger a user to be added or removed from a segment.
9 Recognize users across domains. As third party data no longer allows users to be recognized across domains, new methods are needed. Adnuntius Data allows you to recognize users across domains with alternative identifiers such as emails and phone numbers.
Documentation coming soon
10 Activate or export data. Data can be activated in Adnuntius Advertising (Ad Server, Marketplace and Self-Service) or exported so that you can use the data for other purposes.