Data Exports
Lets you export data to a datawarehouse or similar.
Need help setting up data exports and dashboards? We can help you! Contact us at for more information.
You can set up as many exports as you want, to Amazon S3, S3 compatible buckets, Google Cloud and/or to Azure. You can also download logs at s, using your Adnuntius username and password to authenticate.
To create a data export, go to and click "New" in the upper right corner.
Data type for export: if you choose "stats" you can export to Google Sheets. You will find the description for how to do this further below. Here we continue with the alternative "raw log".
Raw Log Exports
Teams: If you have access to multiple Teams you can choose to get data from all teams, or specific teams.
Event types: export all events or choose events as in the screenshot below.
Export types lets you choose to export to S3, S3 compatible buckets, Google Cloud and to Azure.
Export to Google Sheets
A Google sheets data export requires some setup in Google before you can start using it. Specifically you need to provide a google service account JSON config and a spreadsheet ID for which the service account has editor permissions. Here are the steps required to get this working.
The most important fields to configure to have a successful data export are the Spreadsheet ID, Sheet Title and Credentials as JSON.
Spreadsheet ID - is the unique ID of a google sheets spreadsheet
Sheet Title - is the title of a tab in a google spreadsheet
Credentials as JSON - is the Json file for a google cloud service account
Credentials as JSON
To obtain credentials for the "Credentials as JSON" field you need to create a Service account. Here is how to do this - this process is the simplest set of steps that can possibly work.
First of all you will need a Google account (attached to your organisation rather than a personal account). Login to the google developer console ( and create a new Project (or use an existing project if there is one).
When your project is created, click "Select Project", click on "APIs & Services" and choose "Enabled APIs & services". Click "Enable APIs & services".
Search for "google sheets api" and select the Google Sheets API after the search completes.
Provide the Service account name and Service account ID in the required fields and click "Create and Continue".
You can skip the "Grant this service account access to project" section, just click "Done". Click the "Service account email address" link. Next, click the "Keys" tab.
This step will automatically download the JSON key to your computer, you can find it in the Downloads folder (wherever your browser automatically saves files), or else your browser will prompt you to save it.
This JSON file is what you need to copy the contents of to the "Credentials as JSON" field in your Adnuntius Export. The format of the JSON file will look like below (the private key from the example below for brevity's sake), and you just need to copy the contents of this file directly into the field, don’t copy and paste the file, you need to copy and paste the content of the file.
Spreadsheet ID
Now that you have a service account you need to grant it access to an existing spreadsheet. Open up your google sheet, you can start by logging onto
Click the Share button (on the right):
At this point you will need the client_email from the JSON file you created previously (in our example it is
Paste the email address into the Sharing screen and make sure Editor is selected, you can uncheck the Notify people checkbox as its a service account.
This is all that is required to enable data export access.
The Spreadsheet ID can be obtained from the URL, its the series of characters after the /spreadsheets/d/ and before the /edit.
So in the above case our spreadsheet ID is: 1smWYTpJyAjCXXvQvC-Fpd17cOk9ZUae7bamKBpXestc
By default if you do not specify a Sheet Title, the data export will use the first tab in the spreadsheet, so for example for our example data export we are going to specify My Data Sheet as the spreadsheet title:
The following validation warnings might occur:
Please check the Spreadsheet 1smWYTpJyAjCXXvQvC-Fpd17cOk9ZUae7bamKBpXestc exists
This means that either the Spreadsheet ID is wrong or you have not granted Editor access to the service account.
Currently there is a limitation in forcing a revalidation of the credentials you need to change something, even if all you have done is properly grant access to the service account, just change the Description and click Save again, this will revalidate the config, as soon as you get to a point where there are no warnings your export should work.
Last updated